3 Jan 2013

shopping in stuttgart

1. Outfit of the day - collared shirt from Topshop, cardigan from American Apparel. This collared shirt is so cute, I'm in love with it! It has no sleeves so it fits well under cardigans and will be perfect under big heavy sweaters when I'm not in the mood for layers.
2. Vapiano - my favorite restaurant!
3. Pasta Ratatouille - absolutely delicious.

4. Bought this top at H&M today. I've been looking for dressy blouses and I don't usually find a lot of things that I like at H&M but this top was so simple and exactly what I've been searching for.
5. Had to go to Lush as there isn't one near me in the states and managed to snag these two limited edition Christmas shower gels both at half price! I couldn't decide which I wanted more, so I left with both. Standard. Ponche one is very fresh - I was a bit nervous about the orangey scent as citrusy flavored things aren't always my favorite, but there's something nice and spicy about this one. Maybe it's the tequila! Twilight is lavender vanilla scented and there's a bit of sparkle in there too! I will probably use this one less because I've heard Lush's glitter/sparkles tend to stick to skin very well, so this one might be for special occasions only! Both are medium sized and will probably last me a good few months.
6. My first bath bomb! I don't take too many baths but I've only heard magical things about Lush's bath bombs so I had to pick one up for myself. This one is also called Twilight and other than that I'm not really too sure about anything else - it smells like heaven and I can't wait to treat myself to it!

The next post will be answering a question I received on Tumblr: Do you have the naked and naked2 palettes? (if yes, which is better?) I have both and will be comparing the two!


  1. I definitely used the Lush sale, bought like 8 things for 26€ which normally would've cost me 56€. I didn't buy Twilight but got a sample and I think I will go back tomorrow to buy it, it is really nice : ) In the store, the smell overwelmed me but now I like it.

    1. Yes! My total came to 21€ which was a miracle. Love those sales :) My sister always gets very overwhelmed by the smell too - wonder what it is exactly? xo

  2. I do love a bit of Lush and your phone case is beautiful as well!
