13 Jan 2013

what's in my bag

Sooorrryy I know I said I'd have this up yesterday but I was SO busy laying around being lazy and doing nothing and I just never got around to it. So at long last, here it is - what's in my bag! I change bags quite often when I'm at school so the bag I'm currently using isn't pictured because... there isn't one specific. I took all of this stuff out of my most recent bag (a large Longchamp Le Pliage tote) and here was the grand result!

At the top I have a George Gina & Lucy wallet that I received for my 17th birthday, which makes it a little over three years old but honestly it has weathered the storm very well and I haven't found another wallet that I love as much or would be as sturdy and useful. It also fits my passport which for me is a huge bonus and hard to come by! Next to my wallet is a little package of tissues my mom sent me in a care package. Germans love these little packages and this particular one has little houses and snowflakes on them - so cute :) I have a Marie Claire magazine underneath all the nonsense there - I ADORE Marie Claire, I think it's the best magazine for women, especially those with a relative interest in fashion like me. It's less serious (fashion wise) than Vogue, and also has a ton of interesting, relevant things about women. And I have a huge girl crush on Gwen Stefani.

I always keep an eyelash curler with me as I have short stubbly straight eyelashes (the absolute worst) and find that they need to be recurled basically always. I have iPhone headphones, a pen, some Ricola cough drops, a bobby pin and a hair clip - all of which I think are essentials. I use all of these things over the course of a day so they're always with me!

My mom got me the most adorable little nail file kit (the polka dot looking things). You just break one off when you open it; it's the handiest thing ever! I keep Altoid Smalls with me a lot too - the big ones are too strong for my taste so I like the little ones better. I also have basically every lip product known to man with me at all times - Burt's Bees, Urban Decay Lip Junkie, Fresh Sugar Tint, Blistex and a MAC lipstick - this one is Hangup! I also always keep setting powder with me (I am a huge fan of Benefit's at the moment) for those "just in case" moments. Last but not least I've got my trusty Ray Ban Wayfarers that, if anyone is thinking about buying a pair, have been one of the best investments of my life. So worth the price and absolutely timeless! I've had mine for two and a half years and they still feel brand new.

What's in your bag? Any essentials I've missed? Let me know!

1 comment:

  1. I usually have an emergency little kit with me in my bag, like for lady products, hand sanitizer , stuff like that just in case of anything happening while out in public :D
