30 Jan 2013

twenty-five things about me

hello hello! i was just reading a few other blogs, namely louise's, and (sorry i'm too lazy for capital letters today) realized that while i tend to post lots of bits about who i am and what happens in my life, i've never really sat down and written anything extensive about myself. mostly because it feels narcissistic, but whatever. i figure someone might be interested in reading this, because i certainly am always interested in hearing what people have to say about themselves. i find i learn a lot about people just by how they view themselves. so i will now list twenty-five random (or maybe not so random) things about myself that you might already know or maybe you don't!

hello! i've added a standard photo of myself. here you go.

1. my heritage is english, dutch, and puerto rican. (sprinkled with german and irish.) what this really means is that i'm american!
2. i was singing before i could speak, and i don't know if i'll ever give up on my dream of singing.
3. my favorite color is green because it's the color of the earth and of life and it always makes me feel a little happier. :)
4. i am a mountains over beach, winter over summer sort of person.
5. i almost always have rainymood.com open on my computer (sometimes even if it's raining!) because it's so calming.
6. i am a virgo and coincidentally very, very true to my sign.
7. growing up, around age 8 or 9, i was obsessed with sweden. i read a million books on sweden and dreamed about moving there and marrying a swedish man and having blonde swedish children. i'm not quite sure what it was about sweden, seems a bit weird now, but i caught the travel bug very early in life.
8. i compulsively make lists on my iphone. to-do lists, grocery lists, get-your-life-together lists.
9. my favorite food is whole wheat toast with peanut butter and sliced bananas on top.
10. my best subjects in school were history and english.
11. i drink a lot of tea.
12. my favorite makeup product is lipstick. i feel bold and badass when i wear it and i hardly know anyone else who wears it, so it makes me feel like i stand out.
13. i am a harry potter enthusiast. (that is an understatement.)
14. i quite enjoy being alone, and the only people i really unconditionally want to be with are my immediate family and my best friend. i would be just fine without constant human interaction (not to say that i don't like it, because i do!)
15. i. hate. hot. weather!!! to me this is anything above 70. it is so uncomfortable and i would much rather be indoors if it's hot outside.
16. my favorite tv show is the office and i quote it on a daily basis.
17. my eyes are big and blue and my favorite physical thing about myself. this might be why i love makeup so much - i love making them stand out.
18. i am very, very into history. this could be a lot more detailed, but i'll leave it at that.
19. i hate small talk. i understand its point, but i just hate it. i would much prefer to talk about random, important things with a stranger than uninteresting, filler things with people that i know.
20. i'm very confident, and i think it's for the right reasons. i try really hard to help people see why they should be confident too.
21. i think all sports are pretty uninteresting except for soccer which might be the most interesting thing on the planet.
22. i can't wait to have a family and a house of our own to decorate. i spend a lot of time decorating my future home inside my head.
23. i was raised catholic but now don't really identify with any specific religion.
24. my dream vacation is alaska, northern canada or scandinavia - anywhere i can see the northern lights.
25. this took me a really long time to do, because i don't have a lot of secrets and i don't think there are a lot of things that people don't know about me. i'm very open!

right, well, if this was interesting to you, i encourage you all to do the same! it took me a while to think of things, but it's sort of fun trying to rack your brain to find interesting bits about yourself. x

1 comment:

  1. gleich für meinen blog geklaut :)
    einige sachen sind bei uns gleich :)
